CONTEST ALERT: Future of School Education in the Age of Artificial Intelligence (AI)

AI in School Education: Promises and Perils

The classroom is on the cusp of a transformation, and we want to hear your voice!

Artificial Intelligence (AI) holds immense potential to revolutionize education, but it also comes with its own set of challenges. We’re hosting a blog writing contest, offering a cash prize of ₹5,000/- and chance to be featured on our blog page, to explore the possibilities and pitfalls of AI in school education.

Here’s what we’d love for you to consider in your blog post:

  1. Promises of AI: How can AI personalize learning experiences, provide real-time feedback, and empower educators?
  2. Perils of AI: What are the potential biases in AI algorithms? How can we ensure equitable access to AI-powered education?
  3. The Future of AI in Schools: How can we harness the power of AI while safeguarding the human element of education?

Share your unique perspective!

Terms and Conditions:

1. Eligibility:

  • Open to all school teachers, principal, coordinator, etc
  • Participants must be in active service at the time of submission

2. Submission Guidelines:

  • Word count: Minimum 800 words, maximum 1000 words
  • Language: English
  • Format: Doc file (typed), no handwritten images will be accepted.
  • Submission method: Online via Google Forms
  • Content should be original and authored by the participant

3. Plagiarism:

  • All submissions will undergo a plagiarism check
  • Plagiarism percentage should be less than 20%

 4. Prizes:

  • Best three entries will win Cash Prize of INR 5000/- and will be featured on our blog
  • Top 50 entries will get appreciation certificate
  • Entries found to be plagiarized will be disqualified

5. Contest Timeline:

  • Start Date: July 10, 2024
  • Submission Deadline: July 31, 2024
  • Winner Announcement: August 20th, 2024

6. Judging Criteria:

  • Relevance to the theme
  • Originality of ideas
  • Quality of writing
  • Overall impact and insight

7. Judging Panel:

  • Aakash Vasistha – Director, Viva Group
  • Navin Joshi – Director, Viva Group
  • Sreetilak Sambhanda – Publisher, Viva Group
  • Ujjwal Chugh – Tech Enthusiast & CEO, ISOLS Group

8. Notification and Publication:

  • Winners will be notified via phone
  • Results will be published on Social Media, connect for regular updates:
  • Instagram
  • Facebook
  • Linkedin
  • Winning entries may be published on our website and social media platforms

9. Intellectual Property:

  • Participants retain the copyright of their work
  • By submitting, participants grant the organizers the right to publish and promote the winning entries

 10. Disqualification:

  • Entries that do not adhere to the guidelines
  • Late submissions
  • Plagiarized content

11. Additional Notes:

  • The decision of the judges and organizers is final
  • No correspondence regarding the results will be entertained
  • The organizers reserve the right to modify the rules if necessary

12. Contact Information: For any queries, please contact:

By participating in this contest, you agree to abide by these rules and regulations.

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